Monday, July 13, 2009

Owl pillar & Spider Mountain

Rough concept design for a chinese tv show. These Pillars actually owl, when the little step on them,  the pillar fly away while he on it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Story for my grandfather in law & my cat. part 1.

During my last year of college, both my granduncle and my cat passed away. In an eerie, coincidence, the moment my granduncle died, I was dreaming of his death. In my dream, I walked into a hospital to visit him because I knew he was really sick. But when I arrived there was no one there except the two of us. No doctors, no nurses, nor hospital staff of any kind. While my granduncle faced his last moments of life, I stood by his side, feeling alone and vulnerable.

When I woke from my dream, I started crying. Hours later, my mom called me from the hospital and told me that my granduncle has passed away. Right after his death, my cat died. Sadly I realized that everyone will leave me someday.

That summer, when I visited my parents I noticed for the first time that they had aged. Then, I came to realize that when growing up we must face death at some point, and that I must find a peaceful way to accept death in my life. Various religions have differing beliefs about life after death. Some believe in reincarnation, which means that some essential part of human beings survive death to be reborn in a new body. Others believe in heaven, which pertains to some form of peaceful life after death, related to the immortality of the soul. Some even believe that before death they will see their perished loved ones come through the light or dark to greet them. That is their final destination. If those dying knew they would their see loved ones, both families and friends after death, I believe they would be more accepting of death without the pain and fear of letting go. But in any case, they will always live in the hearts of their loved ones.

“Last dream” is a story about sick old man peaceful death set him free from suffering pain and illness.

Story for my grandfather in law & my cat. part 2

Old illustrations for Books 3.

These works done for books of  A famous Japanese writer's Chinese translated version.

Old illustration for Magazines

im posting this because i found the process version of this one, i actually like the sketch version better.

Old illustrations for Books 2.

These are some illustrations picked from a children's book series which Me and Arguinas done for.

Old illustrations for Books 1.

Childrens Book - These illustrations did not get published because the deal fell through